The Peacekeeper – Unleashed

Throughout my life I have almost always tried to ‘keep the peace’ or at least avoid conflict because I had realized that one side was never always right, and so I avoided choosing sides because I didn’t want to stand for the ‘wrong’, or ‘Lies’ on either side, but I certainly wanted to stand for the ‘right’, or ‘Truth’ on both sides!

The funny thing was is that the ‘right’ on both sides always agreed with the ‘right’ on the other side, while the ‘lies’ on either side, not only conflicted with each other, but they even conflicted with the ‘rights’ from their own side!

I realize that was probably a little confusing so here is a summation of what I was trying to say!

Honesty and Truth are always consistent on both sides and will not contradict each other!  This is a Positive thing!

Deception and lies are always contradicting each other, even on their own side they will cause division among people!  This is a negative thing!

Here is some Pure Logic for ya!

When your focus is on POSITIVE things, everything gets better!

When your focus is on NEGATIVE things, everything gets worse!

This is the POWER of being Positive!  And once you create a habit of it you will start finding the Positive in everything!

Once in a while people will tell me something bad that is going on in their life and they are depressed from it!  I will, without even thinking about it, find something Positive within that problem, and tell them it!  I always get the same response, “Wow, I hadn’t thought about it that way!”  And now they are thinking about that Positive thing and aren’t depressed anymore!

When we are Positive it actually increases our own intelligence plus makes us feel better about ourselves!

When we are Negative it decreases our intelligence and makes us feel bad about ourselves!

You can see this clearly in society today!

Government and their media cause us most of the time to think Negative thoughts, which causes us to get dumber, and they KNOW this!

Here is the secret behind that!

They are getting dumber too and so they are trying to keep the masses dumber than themselves!

Anyways, I started this paper with the intent on writing something else and I forgot what it was and ended up here!  This is why things I write will sometimes, or maybe even quite often, get off topic!

I actually have partial Alzheimer’s, something I had meant to write on, but I keep forgetting… LOL 😊 It’s really not a ‘disease’ as they say, and I am beating it by establishing more Truth in my life!  And beating Alzheimer’s is actually fun and it increases your intelligence as you’re doing it!  Sorry, that will probably not make any sense to you until I explain myself in another paper! :\

Have a Great Day!

Got any thoughts of your own on this subject?

The Truth Has Never Been Clearer

  • “Answers in life are simpler than most can imagine,
  • Because it is our own imagination that causes us to not understand!” – Doug Chandler

#ActuallyAutistic #Unleashed #God #Truth #Indoctrination #Inspirational #Motivational #Intelligence #Honesty #Autism #Peacekeeper

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