Category Archives: God Within Nature

I Do Small Miracles Like My Brother Christ Did – Comedy Unleashed

Christ chose the path of Healing!

The Magic Miracles Christ performed have now been proven through logical science to simply be a re-writing of DNA strands to wipe out the unhealthy parts! It’s something that is possible through Nature itself and doesn’t require any kind of surgery and it can be done on-the-fly! Just shows how much more Powerful Nature is over humanity itself! Especially when you make enough of the correct choices in life that you earn God’s faith in yourself!

(The only difference between Magic and Miracles is that the word ‘Miracles’ is part of the churches ‘Divine’ language to impress people!) (In time I will share many more “Divine” words that the church uses over other words outside of the church with the exact same meaning)

Most are not actually intelligent enough to do it right, but when you become so close to the Power (God), that is a part of us all, through thinking like the rest of nature, then your ‘Logical’ possibilities become much more impressive through that connection!

Christ became very close to the God within himself through the respecting of Nature itself and leading a more Natural life! This made healing of others a possibility for him.

I have chosen the path of Transformation! 🙂 I can transform any kind of food into plant food!


I can transform a grilled cheese sandwich into first grade plant food! It only takes about 12 hours for this miraculous process to complete! 😛

Have a Miraculous Day!

Is Keanu Reeves The Return of Jesus Christ?

Keanu Reeves has bypassed Christ’s own Personal Growth in several ways

Canadian-American actor, film director, film producer and musician Keanu Charles Reeves (Keanu Charles Reeves), missed the first 20 minutes of the party dedicated to the end of filming of his new film in one of the clubs in New York.

He waited patiently in the rain to be let in.

No one recognized him.

The club owner said: “I didn’t even know Keanu was standing in the rain waiting to be let in – he didn’t say anything to anyone.”

“He travels by public transport.

“He easily communicates with homeless people on the street and helps them.

He is only 56 years old (September 2, 1964)

He can just eat a hot dog in the park, sitting between ordinary people.

After filming one of the “Matrix”, he gave all the stuntmen a new motorcycle – in recognition of their skill.

He gave up most of the fee for the salaries of costume designers and computer scientists who draw special effects in “The Matrix” – decided that their share of participation in the budget of the film was underestimated.

He reduced his fee in the film “The Devil’s Advocate” to have enough money to invite Al Pacino.

Almost at the same time his best friend died; his girlfriend lost a child and soon died in a car accident, and his sister fell ill with leukemia.

Keanu did not break: he donated $ 5 million to the clinic that treated his sister, refused to shoot (to be with her), and created the Leukemia Foundation, donating significant sums from each fee for the film.

End of post I found online!

We are all Born into Purity and to remain Pure in a world of corruption is absolutely amazing! Unless he did like Buddha, Christ, and myself have done and questioned all of the indoctrinations we were raised on to become Honest with ourselves! (A Necessity For Personal Growth)

In Christ’s Original Teachings he said that anyone could become greater than himself! Then as more and more people started following him and many worshipping him at his feet, he fell to the temptation of ego and started to believe he was everyone’s savior! He died for this, end of story.

I believe one of the Biggest temptations today is when people have a lot of money, they start to not care about others!

Christ or myself never had this temptation as a problem for us!

Keanu has amazingly beat this temptation, something I’m not sure I could have done until recently! Keanu has gotten back to the state of mind that Christ referred to as becoming born again, or a Purer state of mind!

So yes, Keanu Reeves is the return of Christ, just like I am and so many others are becoming!

Stop thinking of Christ as an individual and look at the ‘Thought Process’ he was teaching when he said that anyone could be greater than himself!

Keanu has obviously exceeded some of Christ’s teachings himself!

Keanu, if you ever read this, I’m sure we could both learn a lot of Truths from each other. What I’d like to know is who helped to guide you along this path as that is someone I’d also like to meet!

You are obviously further along this ‘person growth’ path than most and I think I could help you with some very clear understanding of the Power within Nature (God). Nature is so much more advanced than we had ever imagined and when you learn to connect with it, the possibilities are endless!

Oh, and Keanu, you even look like a modern day Jesus Christ! LOL

Have a Great Day!

Anyone can become like Jesus in their own way! You can throw out your own limiting thoughts and ignore others that will try to hold you down to their level of existence! Seek out Positive people that will empower you and limit your involvement with negative people!

Things That Didn’t Make Sense to Me While Growing Up Under the Indoctrinations of the Church – Unleashed

As I was growing up, but still very young, I looked around me at how messed up the world was and I made a conscious decision that I would regret for the rest of my life, yet at the same time, it was also the Best decision I’ve ever made in my entire life!

I watched friend’s hook-up, then break-up, or get married and shortly thereafter getting divorced. No commitment it seemed in relationships and no one seemed to even know what they wanted.

My conscious decision was to NOT have kids because I didn’t think it would be fair to them to be raised in a society that has no respect for them or their futures!

In order to accomplish this, I stayed out of relationships my whole life, up until I was 47 and then I discovered something Amazing!

Jesus Christ had talked about ‘being a solitary man’ or ‘leading a solitary life’ and I didn’t understand that until I was 47 years old having led a ‘solitary life’ for other reasons!
Jesus Christ was giving relationship advice as well as trying to help others to reach His level without the distractions.

At the age of 47 I had followed Christ’s teachings and then finished it off by eliminating Greed from my life! Once I did this, I got into the Best relationship that anyone could EVER get in!

A relationship with God and I learned a lot about God from that point on! It is the Perfect first Relationship because God doesn’t do any of the negative thing’s humans do!

• God never talks down to me.
• God always respects me.
• God is never negative to me.
• God is always there to Empower me when I need it.
• God never limits me in any ways.

So, now I understood that Christ meant to lead a solitary life up until you can accomplish this relationship with God, because if you get into people relationships before that, that person can be used against you by the devil (demons) to keep you from ever reaching that relationship with God!

If I would have gotten into a relationship and/or had a kid, I would have focused my life on them and would have never reached the level I’m at now with God!

Have a Great Day!

The God I Know

The God I know leads by example!

The God I know respects us and the rest of
nature equally!

  1. It respects us as if we were equals to it,
    providing an example of how we should
    respect the rest of its creation!
    The God I know doesn’t tell me what to do,
    but instead gives me free choice through
  2. It will never tell me what to do because it
    would expect me to use the intelligence it
    gave me to question it, just as we should question everything.
  3. Whenever I come across situations that require me to make a choice, there will always be good
    choices and bad choices I can make!
    The God I know wants us to evolve and to become more like it!
  4. Some might ask, then why didn’t it just make us like it to begin with? I think that would be because
    we need to get there through our experiences and making the right choices (personal growth), because
    it is out of making the choices themselves that we either become more like it or less like it.
    The God I know doesn’t create Rules for us to live by!
  5. It expects us to Responsibly think for ourselves and do our best in the choices we make because
    Responsible people don’t need to be told how to live.
    The God I know doesn’t try to limit us in any way!

  6. The God I know wants us to enjoy life to its fullest!

  7. The God I know is in ALL living things and is a part of its creation! I believe that creation was limited
    to the life that is on Earth itself.

  8. The God I know wants YOU to Have a Great Day!

  9. The Truth Has Never Been Clearer –

  10. “Answers in life are simpler than most can
    Because it is our own imagination that causes us
    to not understand!” – Doug Chandler

First of its Kind Opportunity

My name is Doug Chandler and I am presenting a very unique opportunity for anyone who is interested in writing content that is all about improving the world in which we live on for all of nature, not just humanity!

You may write in any format you want and I give anyone who wishes to do so the permission to write in their own prefgerred fashion. (non-fiction preferred since it is the Truth, but fiction, short stories or whatever you want, are fine to since this is about getting honest information out to people of all kinds of interests)

You may also profit from any of it and all I ask is that you support me a little as you either start profiting or start realizing the magnitude of what you are really doing. I leave this open to anyone who wants to impact the world and create more positive change than has happened in the past 2,000 years.

There are many writers out there that are interested in writing about the Truth! One of my mentors/brothers often referred to himself as the Truth and I will sometimes do the same since I am putting their teachings into todays wording while expanding where they left off!

I am a knowledge base of Truths that is constantly expanding at an exponential rate. I am too slow of a writer to slow myself down to my own writing speed. So, it makes more sense for me to just do videos and let others write down what they are most interested in.

The reason I say ‘what you are most interested in’ because you can take my very logical explanations and then associate them (think for yourself) with things you have experienced or observed yourself and realize a more complete set of Truths! You will have to have an open mind for this because we have been indoctrinated into a bunch of twisted truths and lies for the past several thousand years.

By building this foundation of Truths in your mind, you can then build out from that into more Truths through ‘thinking for yourself’!

By doing this your own intelligence will start to explode! Your life will become very positive and you will start to understand that you have the ability also to change the world in very Positive ways like I am doing.

For a very long time we have been told what to believe and then were allowed to somewhat think for ourselves along those lines of indoctrination. This causes our minds to get clogged up with unnatural thoughts and ideas that were never intended for us in the first place.

Our educational system is meant to make everyone think the same thing and causes us to get dumber over time. This is completely backwards and it is holding each of us back from unlimited potentials.

Intelligence is the speed at which we process information and that speed slows down as we get older. I am proving this system to be completely wrong by doing almost the exact opposite and my own intelligence is increasing on a daily basis.

You will very quickly come to realize that the Nature all around us is so much more advanced than all of our technology combined worldwide that it makes all of humanities accomplishments look like a cheap McDonalds toy. Our computers and technological networks are a very vheap knockoff of a ‘Living Network’ that we can all access anytime we want once we start to undersytand it.

Anyways, Here are a few of the Truths I am Unleashing onto the world:

–The Truth about Autism. I’m the first known person to put himself into an Autistis state about 35 years ago.

–The Truth about Alzheimer’s and how I am using it to increase my own Intelligence!

–The Truth about Bi-polar (disorder) and how it has improved my life! I will also explain the connection between all 3 of these.

–I’ve developed several New ways to reduse stress, have peace of mind, and expand your mind, all at the same time, that you can do anytime you want ‘on the fly’ and they are more efficient than meditation, yoga, etc.

–Because I have walked so efficiently inn Christ’s moldy sandals (LOL), I can explain most of his original teachings because I have expereinced the same as him. The church ignores these teachings because they don’t have a clue as to what they mean or they simply deny them because Christ was actually against the church’s philosophies. Also, clearly understanding the time frame in which he lived creates an understanding of him that the church doesn’t want anyone to know!

–I’ve tested a New educational system that is different for each student that just blows our current one away! I did a 10 day test of this on an 11 year old suicidal boy and it just blew people away! After just 10 days he shined to all that saw or ingteracted with him! His entire mentality took a 180 turn!

–I also come up with quite a bit of completely original humor as I laugh at how I used to think just like eveyone else does. The humor is great because most of the time it makes people start to think about reality while giving them something to laugh at! I try to keep to clean humor (kids humor) but sometimes will wander into stuff you’d only find in a nightclub. I try not to tear people down in my humor unless it is someone who is putting themselves out there anyways like our Presidents. They deserve the Truth about themselves through humor anyways!

If you decide to work with me on any of these or many other Truths as I keep expanding my own thought process, I will start to Inspire and Empower you to have no limits and to even pass me up because I know you can with the right motivations. You will keep challenging your own mind and you will soon realize how you can teach/guide others in this positive direction as well!

Imagine what it is like to have complete peace at will, To be Truly Happy with yourself, and to be able to wake up each morning and each day is more exciting than the previous! It is Awesome!!!

You will get so creative that you will have all different options you will work out in your own mind on how you are going to start making your own positive changes in the world! You will never doubt your ability to make these changes.

You will start to be able to see very far off the results of your actions before you even do them. This means you will be processing information so fast that you will be able to run simulations in your own mind of outcomes of possible actions. You will teach yourself psychology very quickly through reflecting on your own interactions with others.
And so much more……

So if you have an interest in this opportunity, please just say so in the comments and I weill get back to you!

Have a Great Day!