Category Archives: Indoctrination

How To Truly Experience Life – Unleashed

Isn’t the whole point of life to experience it to the fullest?

My Mentor taught me to ‘question everything’, and in order for him to live by his own teaching, he had to first question the indoctrinations of the church of his time that he was raised on! This was the Roman church that controlled the Roman Empire!

My Mentor was very LOGICAL in all of his teachings! The reason he was logical is because logic always leads to the Truth! And Truth is the God that is within us all!

Today, for me to live up to his teachings, I had to also look back at my life and question all of the indoctrinations of the current church that I had been raised on for almost 50 years!

I found that roughly 80% of my life was built on lies!

This questioning of what you have been raised on is what it means to become ‘Honest with yourself’!

Once you FREE your mind of these conflicts (lies) within it, your own mind will increase in speed by at least 10 times what it currently is! And if you follow some of my mind expanding techniques, then it will keep increasing exponentially for the rest of your life!

This is completely backwards from a society that is getting dumber by the day!

Once you start looking at life from a very logical point of view, you will realize that all these ‘Fears’, that we are constantly being bombarded with, are simply there to keep us under control!

I placed in my own mind an idea, a long time ago, that I would try anything at least once for the experience alone! And that I would work on conquering my biggest personal fears because once you conquer your biggest fears, the rest are pretty easy! Also once you conquer your personal fears it puts life into a whole new perspective.

The more fears I conquer, the more fearless I become! This opens up a whole new world of experiences just about anywhere I go!

What do people on their death-bed often regret? The things they never did or not trying the things they were afraid to do!

If you are afraid to experience life, don’t push those fears onto your children because that is unfair to them! Get out and live a lot!!!

Don’t be a scared little pansy because of ‘what-ifs’! This is their control over your mind and they want you to FEAR EVERYTHING so they can easily control you! This is where you should pipe up and defend them just like you were trained to do! LOL ๐Ÿ˜›

Have a Great Day Full of NEW Experiences!

A Clear Example of An Indoctrination That ALL Americans Have Accepted – Unleashed

–Logic will always lead to the Truth!– (My brother Christ taught me this!)

We have been taught that we are born on the day we come out of the womb! All of our ID’s prove this to be True!

How some Idiot actually convinced us of this idea, in the first place, is beyond me! This says a lot about how dumb humanity has become! The church has indoctrinated us into a system that TELLS us what to believe, never giving us guidance in how to ‘think for ourselves’!

-The church knows that if we were taught to ‘think for ourselves’ then the church itself would cease to exist!

-The Government knows that if we are guided in ‘thinking for ourselves’ that the government itself would be disintegrated almost over night!

-Those with money and power know that if we were guided into ‘thinking for ourselves’ that they would start losing control of the masses! They paint us pictures of a world in chaos causing us Fear so we just accept their control! This is their biggest FEAR and they are very good at manipulating us into submission!

The idea we didn’t exist before the day we came out of the womb is incredibly ridiculous!

–The REAL TRUTH here is that we are BORN on the day of Conceivement!–
(I give my own definition of ‘Born’ at the end of this because it eliminates all of the confusion and contradictions associated with ‘Born’ in the very inefficient dictionaries)

Example: My government issued I.D. says I was Born on 8-19-70 when in Truth I was really born on 12-25-69, 7 days till the end of the 60’s! This is the day I was conceived and there is a song about me called ‘Hotel California’, where I was conceived. ๐Ÿ™‚

Definition of Born: 1. Brought into life by the process of birth (so you don’t have life before birth?) (This leads to the definition of Life!)
Definition of Life: 1. The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms (So we are dead until we leave the womb)

Another Definiton of Born: 1. To come out of a mother’s body, and start to exist. (This leads to the definition of exist)
Definition of Exist: 1. To have actual being; be real. (So you are not real until you leave the womb!) Maybe we should just start telling pregnant women “Don’t worry, it’s just your imagination! It will be real when it pops out!

(Why do we even use these dictionaries, they just walk all over themselves confusing everyone!) Maybe it’s because the writers were never taught to ‘think for themselves!’ ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

My Personal Dictionary:

Born: When a person is conceived, When something comes into existence, The beginning of a life, Creation of life

Have a Great Day!

“Stop treating me as if I was born yesterday!”