Tag Archives: Indoctrination

The Pet-Peeve Disorder That Humanity Has Had for Millennium – Unleashed

(LOL! 🙂 I have an organizational disaster of 100’s of papers I have written under almost as many folders! I probably have around 100 that I have never posted and have pretty much forgotten about! This is one that I don’t even remember writing and I thought was pretty hilarious!)

The Pet-Peeve Disorder

The Church is full of people, diagnosed with this disorder, based on how they talk, what they talk about, and by accepting the illusion presented to them by the church itself!

This illusion they buy into is of a God, that will come save them from themselves, and then treat them like they treat their own pets:

  • Their God saying, ‘I Love You!’ and then turning around and treating them like sh!t!
  • They desire a Master that will ‘Tell them what to do’ so that they themselves don’t have to be Responsible in ‘Thinking for Themselves’!
  • They desire a life, that has a ‘Wonderful’ description of how ‘Great’ it will be for them and all they have to do is sit around being ‘un-productive’ in this life, while waiting for that one!
  • They have been fed into the belief that ‘sometime soon’ (has been going on for almost 2,000 years) an imposter for the ‘Gandolf look-a-like’ contest will come floating down out of the sky and beam them up to the Star Ship Enterprise and take them to some far-off Nebula, that probably looks pretty cool from the ‘True Gods’ planet of Earth!
  • The fact that this God wants to take them somewhere else away from Earth should be proof in itself that their own ‘God’ isn’t ‘Responsible’ enough himself to fix the problems that, ‘ the Creation of humanity’ (that he is claiming as his own creation) has created for the rest of Nature on his planet!

..And of course Big Pharma shows up before I even finish the description with ‘something to ease the pain’!

Have a Great Day!

Got any thoughts of your own on this subject?

The Truth Has Never Been Clearerhttps://truth715870163.wordpress.com/

“If you can believe in yourself,

But focus on helping others,

Then you have the ability,

To change the world!”  – Doug Chandler

#Unleashed #God #Truth #Church #Indoctrination #Intelligence #Honesty

A Clear Example of An Indoctrination That ALL Americans Have Accepted – Unleashed

–Logic will always lead to the Truth!– (My brother Christ taught me this!)

We have been taught that we are born on the day we come out of the womb! All of our ID’s prove this to be True!

How some Idiot actually convinced us of this idea, in the first place, is beyond me! This says a lot about how dumb humanity has become! The church has indoctrinated us into a system that TELLS us what to believe, never giving us guidance in how to ‘think for ourselves’!

-The church knows that if we were taught to ‘think for ourselves’ then the church itself would cease to exist!

-The Government knows that if we are guided in ‘thinking for ourselves’ that the government itself would be disintegrated almost over night!

-Those with money and power know that if we were guided into ‘thinking for ourselves’ that they would start losing control of the masses! They paint us pictures of a world in chaos causing us Fear so we just accept their control! This is their biggest FEAR and they are very good at manipulating us into submission!

The idea we didn’t exist before the day we came out of the womb is incredibly ridiculous!

–The REAL TRUTH here is that we are BORN on the day of Conceivement!–
(I give my own definition of ‘Born’ at the end of this because it eliminates all of the confusion and contradictions associated with ‘Born’ in the very inefficient dictionaries)

Example: My government issued I.D. says I was Born on 8-19-70 when in Truth I was really born on 12-25-69, 7 days till the end of the 60’s! This is the day I was conceived and there is a song about me called ‘Hotel California’, where I was conceived. 🙂

Definition of Born: 1. Brought into life by the process of birth (so you don’t have life before birth?) (This leads to the definition of Life!)
Definition of Life: 1. The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms (So we are dead until we leave the womb)

Another Definiton of Born: 1. To come out of a mother’s body, and start to exist. (This leads to the definition of exist)
Definition of Exist: 1. To have actual being; be real. (So you are not real until you leave the womb!) Maybe we should just start telling pregnant women “Don’t worry, it’s just your imagination! It will be real when it pops out!

(Why do we even use these dictionaries, they just walk all over themselves confusing everyone!) Maybe it’s because the writers were never taught to ‘think for themselves!’ 😦

My Personal Dictionary:

Born: When a person is conceived, When something comes into existence, The beginning of a life, Creation of life

Have a Great Day!

“Stop treating me as if I was born yesterday!”



Building on Truths in life is very important today because we are in a society that is about 90% Indoctrination!

Truth becomes a part of you and you don’t have to remember it!

Indoctrinating ideas all have to be either held in memory or are unnatural habits in your life!

We get to a point in our age, each of us different, where we return to the state of mind that we were born with! We are born into Purity without hate, greed, self-focus, fear, etc.

When this happens, we forget all of the indoctrination within our life! If you haven’t become Honest with yourself so you can build up Truths, then you are left pretty empty!

Those who indoctrinated us like to call this a ‘disease’ because you are forgetting everything they indoctrinated into you!

It seems the Power within Nature has a plan for everything!

Have a Great Day!

If you have to memorize something,

then it isn’t worth remembering!

– D. Chandler