Category Archives: The Church

A Clear Example of An Indoctrination That ALL Americans Have Accepted – Unleashed

–Logic will always lead to the Truth!– (My brother Christ taught me this!)

We have been taught that we are born on the day we come out of the womb! All of our ID’s prove this to be True!

How some Idiot actually convinced us of this idea, in the first place, is beyond me! This says a lot about how dumb humanity has become! The church has indoctrinated us into a system that TELLS us what to believe, never giving us guidance in how to ‘think for ourselves’!

-The church knows that if we were taught to ‘think for ourselves’ then the church itself would cease to exist!

-The Government knows that if we are guided in ‘thinking for ourselves’ that the government itself would be disintegrated almost over night!

-Those with money and power know that if we were guided into ‘thinking for ourselves’ that they would start losing control of the masses! They paint us pictures of a world in chaos causing us Fear so we just accept their control! This is their biggest FEAR and they are very good at manipulating us into submission!

The idea we didn’t exist before the day we came out of the womb is incredibly ridiculous!

–The REAL TRUTH here is that we are BORN on the day of Conceivement!–
(I give my own definition of ‘Born’ at the end of this because it eliminates all of the confusion and contradictions associated with ‘Born’ in the very inefficient dictionaries)

Example: My government issued I.D. says I was Born on 8-19-70 when in Truth I was really born on 12-25-69, 7 days till the end of the 60’s! This is the day I was conceived and there is a song about me called ‘Hotel California’, where I was conceived. 🙂

Definition of Born: 1. Brought into life by the process of birth (so you don’t have life before birth?) (This leads to the definition of Life!)
Definition of Life: 1. The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms (So we are dead until we leave the womb)

Another Definiton of Born: 1. To come out of a mother’s body, and start to exist. (This leads to the definition of exist)
Definition of Exist: 1. To have actual being; be real. (So you are not real until you leave the womb!) Maybe we should just start telling pregnant women “Don’t worry, it’s just your imagination! It will be real when it pops out!

(Why do we even use these dictionaries, they just walk all over themselves confusing everyone!) Maybe it’s because the writers were never taught to ‘think for themselves!’ 😦

My Personal Dictionary:

Born: When a person is conceived, When something comes into existence, The beginning of a life, Creation of life

Have a Great Day!

“Stop treating me as if I was born yesterday!”

The Church Claims They Never Change Their Story – Unleashed


We always talk about learning from history! So, let’s learn from the church’s history!

The church teaches, some more than others, that you are not saved by your actions, but instead by simply believing in an idea and accepting it, repeatedly!

Obviously by returning each week, this idea will stay in your mind and you won’t forget it!

Starting out life we are naturally curious, want to explore and learn, and when we see someone doing something New, we want to help out! We are appreciated for helping which feels very good to us! And so, we want to help others out even more and our Ambitions will keep getting bigger and bigger, until interrupted!

Just ask the Billions of people that were convinced by the church that God was ‘Almost here’ and is going to take them away from this world! And so, they thought “Why make the effort to create Positive change in the world if we are about to leave it?”
And so, their Ambitions to improve the world died with their belief in the church itself!

Just ask the past 100+ (1 Hundred +) Generations that WASTED THEIR LIVES AWAY sitting around Waiting for the Church’s ‘Truths?’ to come True when none of them Are Based on Logic or have any Factual Evidence!

Just ask ALL of the church’s FOLLOWERS FOR THE PAST 2,000 years what they think about the church’s Promises!

So, over the past 2,000 years, here are some ideas that the church has Proven to be True:

  • If Humanity CAN’T Responsibly do SOMETHING with the world they have already been given, then God isn’t coming!
  • The church MIGHT actually be lying!
  • The church teaches us that we are ALL sinners, but they never do anything wrong themselves, or so they say.
  • In the Bible there is a completely Illogical concept for the description of Heaven that has exclusively benefited the church financially since it was added!

There is so much evidence against the church for altering all different parts of the Bible to fit their doctrine! One Example:

Creating Positive Change in the world is exponentially more Powerful than doing NOTHING!

The church talks about ‘overcoming challenges’, temptation, ‘standing for what you believe in’, etc.

Yet with all the messed-up things going on around us, the church isn’t standing up for anything. And whenever they are challenged with simple questions, they avoid it or run away!

god created an

My own life is almost a duplicate of Christ’s and I essentially disappeared from society for around 30 years, after having put myself in an Autistic state. After those 30 years I have started writing on all different subjects, not always 100% correct, but far closer to the Truth than others. The reason for this is because I am completely teaching myself thru my personal experiences and observations of others throughout my life. I am a 10th grade dropout with no further education other than a GED which amounts to basically nothing.

God is Truth and Logic leads to the Truth!

I understand many of Christ’s teachings from the ‘Gospel of Thomas’ which I believe is one of the only writings that escaped manipulation by the church! I can explain each of these teachings Logically because I have walked in his shoes and understand him very well. Christ was completely Logical just as the Power within Nature (God or Father) has to be almost Pure Logic in order to have created a system of life that is so complex. I used Logic to get where I currently am, at or very near Christ’s own level of Intelligence and understanding.


In my short lifetime, I understand Logical Teachings from Christ and am describing them as clearly as I can. The entire church hasn’t been able to do this in 2,000 years just as they haven’t been able to come up with the answers to simple logical questions that I’m sure people have been asking them for around this same amount of time.


I am continuing Christ’s teachings from basically where he left off! I have found the Biggest translation error in the Bible that was actually put there on purpose by those who actually created the church.

I am also able to describe in detail how Christ lived based on various ways in which he taught. Another things the church can’t seem to do even though they have had plenty of time to figure it out.

I believe that everyone should be Responsible and figure out the Truth on their own while the church believes that everyone should just believe them because they said so. I try to live by what I am teaching as much as possible, while the church contradicts ALL of the values, they teach, that are meant to get us back to a Purer state of mind!


Like I said, I believe everyone should figure it out on their own, but I really think that would take a long time to do, based on how I had to do it. So, I am giving the option of Logical Truths for others to build up from since our current society is based on very little Truth.

It is impossible to build on Truth, thru comparison, if your first ‘Truth’ was a lie to start with. Very soon many are going to start realizing how far from reality we really are.

We are born into this world Curious and full of Integrity (Honesty)! We learn very quickly that in many situations being Honest will get you in trouble, spanked, etc. The first time around many kids will question what they did wrong because much of the time they Honestly don’t understand the first time.

Many kids then also get punished for talking back or for questioning their parents, who are already upset and probably don’t feel the child has that right! This whole idea of not having any respect for our own children is trained into us, in many ways, thru society itself and so we raise our kids on societies standards.

Kids don’t like to get punished and so they learn almost immediately that lying will keep them from having to accept any Responsibility for their actions! After doing this a couple times it becomes a habit for the rest of their life!

You can see this very clearly today in societies all over the world, but mostly in America, where everything that the Bible was ‘Originally’ against, we ARE LIVING like there is no tomorrow!

Thank you, church, for giving us Great guidance in being TOTAL Hypocrites!

Was that sarcasm? Truth? Or Both?

Much of the time in our society today, sarcasm is simply a Truth that no one wants to admit!

The Church built this country, so I must give ‘Praise?’ where it belongs!

Have a Great Day!


The Truth Has Never Been Clearer

“If you can believe in yourself,

But focus on helping others,

Then you have the ability,

To change the world!” – Doug Chandler